I hereby enroll for Group Insurance and certify that the above answers are full, complete and
true to
my own knowledge.
I agree that the insurance coverage of this application is based on the truth of the foregoing
representations and is subject to the provisions of the life insurance issued by a reputable
insurance company.
I agree that this application, including the declarations and answers given above, shall be the
basis of my application for insurance and issuance of the contract between ETERNAL PLANS, INC.
myself, and shall be deemed part thereof.
I further agree that the effectivity date of this plan shall be the date of approval issued by
ETERNAL PLANS, INC. and should I fail to qualify for insurance
coverage, I agree to be bound
with No
Insurance Benefit.
I agree that this agreement shall become valid and binding from the date this is signed and upon
tender of the first payment unless disapproved for cause within ninety (90) days from said date.
Please sign the agreeement by checking the checkbox above.
In Compliance with the Data Privacy ACT (DPA of 2012), and its implementing Rules and
Regulations (IRR), I allow Eternal Plans, Inc. and its agents,
third parties, government
agencies and instrumentalities to collect, use, share and retain my personal data:
- ) to process my pre-need plan application and other requests;
- ) to administer my pre-need plan;
- ) to provide servicing and support;
- ) to conduct research and analyse data to improve services; and
- ) to market, promote and share information about the company and products
This authorization will continue to be in effect throughout the duration of the pre-need
plan, and/or until expiration of the retention limit prescribed by the law.
You must agree before proceeding!