Flexilife Plan A


The most flexible life plan in the market that provides you memorial service options.

  1. Memorial Service Benefit equal to the Life Plan Value plus increment, if any. Memorial Service Benefit may be availed as traditional memorial service, cremation service or combination of the traditional and cremation memorial services.
  2. Increment: The Life Plan Value increases by 5% starting on the 5th anniversary of the plan up to 100% of the Life Plan Value.
  3. Cash Assistance – equivalent to 20% of the Life Plan shall be given to the beneficiary upon death of the planholder.
  4. The unpaid balance or installments shall be waived and considered paid upon death or disability of the planholder.
  5. Memorial Service Benefit may be assigned for use of any immediate family members, i.e. parent, siblings, spouse or child.
  6. The plan is TRANSFERABLE. It can be sold or donated to other living person.
  7. Un-rendered Service Benefit - If the memorial service is not availed upon death of the planholder, seventy percent (70%) of the memorial service benefit (Life Plan Value plus increment, if any) shall be converted to cash and released to the beneficiary.
flexi life plan

Planholder Information

Name (LN, FN MN Suffix)

Birth Information

General Information


Permanent Address

Billing Address

Contact Information

Beneficiary Information

Beneficiary 1

Declaration and Representation

Are you in good health and free from any deformity?

Are you currently pregnant?


Proof of Identity

Plan Information